In this tutorial, I will guide you through creating a simple Roblox script that enables players to change their skin color each time they jump. This could add a fun element to your Roblox experience.

This script should be placed in ServerScriptService. Below are the step-by-step instructions, with the full script provided at the end:

  1. Import the Roblox “Players” service:
  • Create a variable called Players and set its value to game:GetService(“Players”).
   local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  1. Define the ChangeCharacterColor function:
  • Create a function called ChangeCharacterColor that takes a single parameter named character.
  • Inside this function, generate a random color using and divide the random RGB values (ranging between 0 and 255) by 255 to obtain values within the 0 to 1 range.
  • Iterate through the character’s children using a for loop and check if the child is a BasePart using the IsA() method.
  • If the child is a BasePart, set its Color property to the generated random color.
   function ChangeCharacterColor(character)
     local randomColor =
       math.random(0, 255) / 255,
       math.random(0, 255) / 255,
       math.random(0, 255) / 255)

     for _, part in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
       if part:IsA("BasePart") then
         part.Color = randomColor
  1. Define the OnPlayerAdded function:
  • Create a function called OnPlayerAdded that takes a single parameter named player.
  • Inside the OnPlayerAdded function, define a local function called OnCharacterAdded that takes a single parameter named character.
  • Locate the first Humanoid instance within the character using the FindFirstChildOfClass() method and store it in a variable named humanoid.
  • Confirm if the humanoid variable is not nil.
  • If the humanoid is not nil, connect the humanoid’s “Jump” property change event to an anonymous function using the GetPropertyChangedSignal() method.
  • Inside this anonymous function, verify if the humanoid.Jump property is true. If humanoid.Jump is true, call the ChangeCharacterColor function using the character parameter.
  • Connect the CharacterAdded event of the player parameter to the OnCharacterAdded function using the Connect() method.
   function OnPlayerAdded(player)
     local function OnCharacterAdded(character)
       local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

       if humanoid ~= nil then
           if humanoid.Jump then

  1. Connect the PlayerAdded event:
  • Connect the PlayerAdded event of the Players service to the OnPlayerAdded function using the Connect() method.

By following these instructions, you’ll generate a script that changes a player’s character color every time they jump in a Roblox game.

-- Get the "Players" service from the Roblox game environment
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

-- Function to change the color of a character instance
function ChangeCharacterColor(character: Instance)
  -- Generate a random color with random RGB values between 0 and 255
  local randomColor =
    math.random(0, 255) / 255,
    math.random(0, 255) / 255,
    math.random(0, 255) / 255)

  -- Iterate through the character's children (parts)
  for _, part in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
    -- If the child is a BasePart, set its color to the generated random color
    if part:IsA("BasePart") then
      part.Color = randomColor

-- Function to handle player joining the game
function OnPlayerAdded(player)
  -- Function to handle the character being added to the game
  local function OnCharacterAdded(character)
    -- Find the first Humanoid instance within the character
    local humanoid: Humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

    -- If the humanoid is not nil
    if humanoid ~= nil then
      -- Connect the humanoid's "Jump" property change event to a function
        -- If the humanoid jumps, call the ChangeCharacterColor function
        if humanoid.Jump then

  -- Connect the CharacterAdded event of the player to the OnCharacterAdded function

-- Connect the PlayerAdded event of the Players service to the OnPlayerAdded function


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