In this tutorial, you will learn how to utilize Bindable Events in Roblox Studio for implementing loose coupling between various scripts. Bindable Events are a robust functionality enabling the creation of custom events and facilitating communication between distinct components of your game. It is important to note that they are limited to functioning within a single context, such as the client or the server, and do not extend across boundaries between them.

Step 1: Creating a Bindable Event

To get started, let’s create a new Bindable Event that will fire each time a player jumps. Here’s the code:

local Players = game:GetService('Players')

function playerJoined(player: Player)
  local function characterAdded(character: Instance)
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
    if humanoid ~= nil then
      local customEvent ="BindableEvent")
      customEvent.Name = "PlayerJumped"
      customEvent.Parent = humanoid
        if humanoid.Jump == true then



  • We start by getting the Players service using game:GetService('Players').
  • We define a function playerJoined that will be called each time a player joins the game.
  • Inside playerJoined, we define another function characterAdded that will be called when a player’s character is added to the game.
  • We use FindFirstChild to check if the player’s character has a “Humanoid” part.
  • If a “Humanoid” part is found, we create a new Bindable Event using"BindableEvent").
  • We set the name of the Bindable Event to “PlayerJumped” using customEvent.Name = "PlayerJumped".
  • We set the parent of the Bindable Event to the player’s humanoid using customEvent.Parent = humanoid.
  • We use GetPropertyChangedSignal to listen for changes in the “Jump” property of the humanoid.
  • When the “Jump” property changes and becomes true, we fire the custom event using customEvent:Fire().

Step 2: Binding to the Bindable Event

Now that we have created the Bindable Event, let’s bind to it and print a message each time the player jumps. This code can be placed in different script than the above. To make your game funny, you can make various parts to jump on each PlayerJumped event. Here’s the code:

local Players = game:GetService('Players')

function onPlayerJoined(player: Player)
  local function characterAdded(character: Instance)
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
    if humanoid ~= nil then
      local jumpedEvent: BindableEvent = humanoid:WaitForChild("PlayerJumped")



  • We start by getting the Players service using game:GetService('Players').
  • We define a function onPlayerJoined that will be called each time a player joins the game.
  • Inside onPlayerJoined, we define another function characterAdded that will be called when a player’s character is added to the game.
  • We use FindFirstChildOfClass to check if the player’s character has a “Humanoid” part.
  • If a “Humanoid” part is found, we use WaitForChild to wait for the “PlayerJumped” Bindable Event to be created.
  • We assign the Bindable: jumpedEvent.Event:Connect

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