In this tutorial I will explain how in Lua you can move objects (parts) in your script. Moving will use previous position of object so you will be providing only offset by which you want to change the position. You will also learn that you can use this code technique also to update variables.

Step 1: Add a Part to the Workspace

  1. Open Your Project in Roblox Studio.
  2. Create a New Part:
  • Navigate to your workspace.
  • Add a new part (e.g., a cube or a sphere) to the scene. This part will be manipulated by the script.

Step 2: Add a Script Under the Part

  1. Attach a Script:
  • Right-click on the part you just added.
  • Select Add Script or similar option to attach a new Lua script to the part.

Step 3: Write the Script

Open the script editor and write the following code:

-- Define the item as the parent of this script
local item = script.Parent

-- Wait function pauses execution

-- Move item 5 units to the right
item.Position +=, 0, 0)

-- Wait to observe the change

-- Move item 10 units up
item.Position +=, 10, 0)

-- Wait to observe the change

-- Basic arithmetic operations on a number
local number = 20
number /= 2

-- Adjust the item's position by dividing its X position by 2
item.Position /=, 1, 1)

Step-by-Step Explanation

Understanding += and -=

  1. Initialization:
   local item = script.Parent
  • This line sets the variable item to refer to the part that the script is attached to.
  1. Wait Function:
  • The wait(4) function pauses the execution of the script for 4 seconds. This is useful for making changes visible to the user, allowing them to observe each step.
  1. Using +=:
   item.Position +=, 0, 0)
  • The += operator adds the given vector to item.Position, moving the part 5 units along the X-axis.
  1. Pause for Observation:
  • Another pause to observe the change.
  1. Second Movement:
   item.Position +=, 10, 0)
  • This moves item 10 units along the Y-axis.
  1. Pause Again:
  • A final pause for 2 seconds to observe the change.

Understanding /= and *=

  1. Arithmetic Operation on a Variable:
   local number = 20
   number /= 2
  • Here, number is initially set to 20. The /= operator divides number by 2, resulting in number being 10.
  1. Adjusting Position with /=:
   item.Position /=, 1, 1)
  • This line divides the position of item by the vector (2, 1, 1). The X component will be halved, while Y and Z will be divided by 1 which will not change them.

Observing the Changes

  • Run the Script:
  • After writing the script, run it to observe how the part moves. Each wait allows you to see the change clearly.
  • Check Console Logs:
  • Use print statements to debug and observe variable values at different stages.

Example for Testing

To make the changes more visible and easier to understand, add print statements:

local item = script.Parent

item.Position +=, 0, 0)
print("Position after moving right: ", item.Position)

item.Position +=, 10, 0)
print("Position after moving up: ", item.Position)

local number = 20
number /= 2
print("Number after division: ", number)

item.Position /=, 1, 1)
print("Position after adjustment: ", item.Position)


This tutorial provides a basic understanding of Lua scripting in Roblox Studio, focusing on arithmetic and vector operations. By following these steps, you can create scripts that manipulate objects in your project, adding functionality and interactivity.

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